
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bill Quay Farm website

This Autumn will see the launch of two new websites for very different clients, both developed using the open source Content Management System Drupal. This provides a simple and effective way of managing the site content and developing functionality 'in house'.
The first is for Bill Quay Farm, and coincides with the celebration of their 20th year of community farming. They are looking for an online presence to promote their many services and events.
The second is a site for the artist Andrew Burton, who requires documentation and promotion of his sculptures, both process and exhibitions.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Joanna Bourne - Joomla website

 This Summer we launched a new website for printmaker Joanna Bourne.
This site was developed using the Content Management System Joomla which enables easy updating and development of the web content.

We also develop using the Drupal content management system and CMS made simple, depending on the project and clients needs.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

LocatorArt goes national

The contemporary art listings website was launched by Web-dog this week as a national listings site covering England, Scotland and Wales.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Web development 2010

Room for you was launched at the end of last year and is now up and running and promoting the organisations arts activities with patients within the cancer ward in the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.
Web-dog is currently developing a new look and functionality for the national art listings site We are looking forward to the site going live in February 2010.